Based on Traditional Japanese Reiki Spiritual & Healing Practices
Komyo ReikiDo (pron. Koh-m-yoh Ray-key Do) was developed & founded by Japanese Buddhist Monk & renowned international teacher, Hyakuten Inamoto in Kyoto Japan.
Komyo ReikiDo is a keep-it-simple Reiki system & practice, based on the Japanese aesthetic of Less is More. The practice motto is: 'Place your hands, Surrender & Smile'. There is a profound depth of offerings in the simplicity of the traditional Japanese Reiki practices and the extraordinary effect they can have on mind, body & inner being. It is easy to learn and consistency of practice is key.
Komyo Reiki Do has retained and teaches the meditations and spiritual practices based on those taught by Hayashi Sensei (the last Shihan student of Reiki founder Usui Sensei) and encourages a student's daily practices to help grow and cultivate their spiritual growth. These practices are considered essential for effective hands on healing.
True to the goal and philosophy of Usui Sensei, Komyo Reiki Do is a system of practice that focus on the mind, the body and the spiritual aspects of being.
Komyo = Light or illumination
Reiki = Sacred Energy of the Universe
Do = Spiritual Path or Way

Hyakuten Inamoto is a Japanese Buddhist monk and renowned International Teacher of Reiki.
Hyakuten was ordained in 1982 as a Buddhist monk of the Jōdo-shū or Pure Land School (the same sect of Buddhism as Reiki founder Mikao Usui). In 1995 he encountered Reiki through a book written by a Japanese lady trained by an American teacher.
In 1997 his journey with Reiki began with his Teacher, Chiyoko Yamaguchi (a student of Chujiro Hayashi in Japan). Hyakuten studied weekly (or more) with Yamaguchi Sensei for 2 years.
After much research into the original teachings of Mikao Usui, Hyakuten founded Komyo ReikiDo (formerly Komyo Reiki Kai) in 1998.
He travels extensively teaching Reiki Ryoho worldwide.
Chiyoko Yamaguchi

CHIYOKO YAMAGUCHI (1921-2003) was initiated into Reiki Ryoho by student master of Reiki Mikao Usui, Chujiro Hyashi in 1938 at the age of 17.
She did no become a Shihan (Teacher/Master) but was taught how to give Reiju by her Uncle, another of Hayashi's students. Together with her Uncle, she helped give Reiju to students at Hayashi Sensei's gatherings and classes.
She did not open a public practice, practicing privately with family and friends.
After numerous requests, she began teaching Reiki Ryoho to others in 1997.
Inamoto Sensei explains Reiki Energy and Practice - Komyo ReikiDo
Interview by Komyo ReikiDo Ukraine
Inamoto Sensei on The Purpose of Life - Komyo ReikiDo
Interview by Komyo ReikiDo Ukraine