When it comes to scheduling Reiki sessions, one of the most common questions I get asked is how many sessions of Reiki healing are needed? Unfortunately, there is there's no clear-cut answer. Just like each individual's journey through life, the path of healing with Reiki is unique and deeply personal. Reiki isn't like a prescribed medication with a fixed dosage. It's more like a journey of unfolding; it works cumulatively, with each session building upon the last. And healing is like an onion, there can be many layers to peel back.
Think of healing as a piece of string; it has no set length. It's a journey that unfolds at its own pace. Some may experience profound shifts after just one session, while others may find that regular sessions over time yield deeper, more lasting results.
At its core, Reiki is not just about addressing physical ailments; it's a holistic practice that encompasses emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. It's about tapping into the infinite well of healing energy that exists within each of us and allowing it to flow freely.
In traditional Japanese Reiki, 'patients' (as they would have called them back then) would go for Reiki every day until their issue or problem was resolved. Sometimes it might take a few days, a few weeks, a few months, or for chronic diseases, more. For those practicing Reiki themselves, Reiki was intended to be a daily self-healing practice, and a lifelong journey of healing.
That's why I often encourage clients to view Reiki as part of their self-care toolkit, something to incorporate into their daily lives for ongoing maintenance and growth. In essence, Reiki is not a quick fix but a lifelong journey of self-discovery and healing.
For those who truly resonate with the power of Reiki, I often suggest they consider learning it themselves. Reiki courses are accessible and affordable, typically taking just a weekend to complete (and less than the cost of 3 sessions). Best of all, anyone can learn Reiki (its a innate capacity we all have and no special skills or talent is required) and it is easy to learn and easy to practice. By learning Reiki, individuals gain the ability to practice on themselves daily, weaving the healing energies into the fabric of their everyday lives. You can read more here about learning Reiki in general and about how to choose the right Reiki course near you.
However, not everyone is drawn to learning Reiki themselves, and it would be cost-prohibitive for clients to come every day for Reiki sessions indefinitely. So in answer to the question, how many session are needed, clients generally have Reiki for as long as they feel drawn to having Reiki. They intuitively know when Reiki has served its purpose for them, depending on what they were hoping to get from their sessions.
Similar to how acupuncture works; you might have one session to take the edge off or to feel relaxed and a bit clearer, perhaps even just as a self-care, pampering-type experience. But for deep healing and bigger shifts to occur, regular sessions are needed. This is the same for Reiki.
I tell clients to take each session as it comes, tune in to how you are feeling within yourself after each session, and trust your instinct to guide you.
For a first session, I recommend clients try Reiki and see if it resonates with them before making any plans or decisions beyond that.
After that, and whilst there is no hard and fast rule, for clients wanting a deeper healing, I recommend (as was recommended to me by my Reiki Teacher which I first came to Reiki) that they consider a trio of Reikis within a short period to really get the healing started. I was taught three sessions within a ten day period is ideal, where possible, but I advise clients to go with what is practical for them both in terms of cost and time.
I've witnessed many clients healing following a trio and there can be something really quite powerful about having the three Reiki sessions within an short space of time. A testimony to that is that almost all my Google and website reviews are from clients who have experienced the trio of sessions or more. They tend to be the ones, who get the deeper results from their sessions. After that, regular sessions over time beyond the trio will yield deeper, more long-lasting results. It's like tending to a garden – the more you nurture it, the more it flourishes.
For those wanting simply some self-care, some nurturing and some pampering, on the other hand, one will do them just fine. I have some clients who utilize Reiki as a one-off treat every now and then, similar to a massage. Reiki has been described by some as like an energetic massage and some clients aren't looking for deep healing, they want to have some time out and feel rested and restored.
Having said that, going back to what was said at the very start, it is all so personal and varied. I've seen clients suffering from insomnia have a month's relief from it after one session, and chronic panic attacks a client suffered weekly for two years, completely eliminated after 3 sessions. One session may also be enough for things like headaches, period pain and other more immediate afflictions. Other clients come in regularly, every few weeks, indefinitely to manage their anxiety or as part of their self-care regiment. As you can see from these examples, there really is no hard and fast rule.
One final element to add to the mix, is that it's not always just about the number of sessions; the quality of each session play a part as well. A committed, skilled Reiki practitioner who has a deep personal spiritual practice and a committed personal Reiki practice is more likely to be a more effective channel than another practitioner who doesn't have those practices. By channeling Reiki more effectively, clients may experience a greater impact in fewer sessions. You can read more here about how to find the best Reiki practitioner.
So, how do you know how many sessions you need? Trust your intuition. Pay attention to how you feel after each session. Are you experiencing shifts in your energy, emotions, or physical well-being? Are you feeling more centered, more aligned with your true self?
Ultimately, the journey of Reiki is a deeply personal one. Whether you choose to dive in headfirst or take it slow and steady, what matters most is your willingness to open yourself to the possibilities of healing and transformation. So, listen to your inner voice, follow your intuition, and let the healing journey unfold one session at a time. That's ultimately the advice I give to each of my first-time clients, take it one session at a time. And for those who feel deeply connected to Reiki, consider learning it yourself. Nothing beats being able to do Reiki everyday on yourself! That ultimately sums up the advice I give to each of my first-time clients.
If you have any more questions about Reiki, or are interested in receiving or learning Reiki in Melbourne and wish to discuss your situation further, please contact me and we can arrange a time to chat. Otherwise, if you are ready to start your Reiki journey, you can book an appointment here or sign up for a Reiki course here. I look forward to connecting with you!
Whether you see me or another Practitioner near you, I wish you the best on your Reiki journey!
Fiona x
Fiona Phillips
Certified Reiki Shihan (Teacher) and Practitioner
Within The Space | Melbourne