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Updated: Jul 20, 2024

How to become a Reiki Practitioner in Australia
How to become a Reiki Practitioner in Australia

Interested in how you can become a Reiki Practitioner in Australia?, in this article, I will help you navigate the steps to becoming a Certified Reiki Practitioner, adding my personal tips, considerations and recommendations from my own experience and many years of practicing Reiki.


Becoming a Reiki practitioner in Australia involves several key steps:

  1. Research and Choose the Reiki system and a Reiki Shihan/Master that most resonates with you.

  2. Complete the Reiki Training. This can differ from Reiki system to Reiki system, but general involves completing Reiki Level 1 (Shoden) and Reiki Level 2 (Chuden), at a minimum. Ensure you receive a certification from your Reiki Shihan/Master for each level of training completed. This certification will be required to join professional organizations.

  3. Practice Regularly: Consistent practice is essential to improve your skills and deepen your connection, experience and relationship with Reiki as an energy and practice. This includes committed, daily self-healing practice, practicing on others, and continuing to learn and grow. The deeper your spiritual path, the greater a channel you will be and the more experience you have with Reiki for self-healing and on family and friends, the better equipped you will be to practitioner Reiki professionally. Take you time and develop your practice. Once you step into the role of accepting money for your services, you have a responsibility to ensure that you have a deep and committed continuing practice.

  4. Join Professional Organizations: Consider joining Reiki associations or networks in Australia, such as the Australian Reiki Connection or Reiki Australia. These organizations provide support, resources, and credibility.

  5. Set Up a Practice: This can sometimes feel daunting. It doesn't need to be. There is something to be said about starting small, and allowing yourself to grow into your business. You may set up your practice in a room in your home, hire a space either for set days and times or on a per hour basis at a a wellness center, or offer mobile services. Your Reiki Teacher should be able to guide you in how to set up a practice and what you'll need to do that. It is also important that you comply with local regulations, including business registration and insurance requirements. Joining a Reiki Association might help in providing additional information about local requirements.

  6. Continuous Learning and Development: Reiki is a lifelong practice and journey. It starts always with self-practice and self-spiritual development and this must continue throughout, especially when practicing Reiki professionally. Attend workshops, seminars, practice groups and Reiki communities, undertake advanced courses to continue your education and make sure you stay updated with new practices and insights.

By following these steps, you can become a certified and practicing Reiki practitioner in Australia.

Here you can find more details about the Reiki courses offered at Within The Space which specialises in teaching authentic, traditional Japanese Reiki practices:



Reiki is pure, vital life-force energy. It is the energy of the heavens and the earth. What does that mean exactly? Well it it the energy in and around all living things on this earth and beyond. It is in and connected to all that is. It is the energy that creates and sustains life. We are Reiki. And as a quality, Reiki is pure, unconditionally loving, all connected, compassionate energy. As we are Reiki, this is our true, pure state.

However, life, traumas, our thoughts and mindset, toxins, injuries and the like, all compromise that pure state of energy which can in turn cause mental, physical or psychological dis-ease. By utilising Reiki, over time, Reiki will restore us to be more like Reiki, to our pure state of being, physically, mentally, psychologically and spiritually. As a rule, Reiki removes anything unlike itself and gradually over time, with consistency, will restore our energy strength, flow and quality, back to be the same level and quality of Reiki itself.

How is Reiki utilised ?

System of Practices: Reiki Ryoho (the Reiki method) is a system of practices founded by Mikao Usui in Japan in the early 20th Century. The system of practices, includes mindset practices (that encourage our mindset to be more like the quality of Reiki (connected to all, compassionate and unconditionally loving) as well as certain energy and spiritual techniques using the mind, visualisation and breath to generate energy, heal the body and connect to all things.

Hands-On Healing: The most well-know of all practices within the system of Reiki is hands-on healing. These days it is almost synonymous with Reiki. In the West, some of the foundational spiritual practices were eliminated or diluted from teaching after World War II and so the broad majority of Reiki systems that exist today have a heavy, if not sole focus on hands-on healing.

Hands-on healing itself, can be a deeply spiritual practice, although in my view, the foundational spiritual practices taught in Japanese Reiki (mentioned above), allow for a deeper spiritual practice and support, bolster and enhance the hands-on healing practice. In any event, in the original system of Reiki (and in Japanese Reiki) , it is important to know that hands-on healing is one practice, in a system of other practices within the system of Reiki.

Recieving Reiju: In hands-on healing, students or practitioner, are attuned to the Reiki through a process of Reiju (a teacher-to-student ritual of energy opening and connection or reconnection), following which, the other practices students are taught (mentioned above), continue to attune the students to the Reiki through their own spiritual practices and healing. In traditional Japanese Reiki (and in Japanese systems today), students continue to receive Reiju at regular Reiki gatherings, between their daily practice, to enhance and continue to help students open up to the Reiki.

As a side note, some systems of Reiki and Teachers claim that Reiju can be passed on to students remotely through online learning, but my view is that Reiju should only be done in person. I would advise against taking an online course (unless you do so just for the information). It is doubtful whether you can receive Reiju online and it's not something I would personally risk. For my reasons, you can read more here about whether online Reiki courses are legitimate.

How Hands-On Healing works: Finally, once a student receives their first Reiju, they have the capacity to channel and utilise Reiki, through the placing of their hands on themselves or the clothed body of the recipient, to harness and utilise that Reiki for healing. And whilst it is true that after that first Reiju, they will have the capacity to channel Reiki for life, the quality and intensity of what they channel is directly dependent on the depth of their own healing and spiritual growth. Therefore, if you are looking to practice Reiki professionally, you must necessarily focus, at all times, on your own healing and deepening your spiritual relationship and obtain a certain level of healing and growth in these areas before Practicing professionally.

Who Can Learn Reiki? As stated above, anyone can learn Reiki. We are Reiki. We all have the innate capacity to utilise the energy and no special skills or talents are required to learn it. Reiki courses in Australia offer to open student's access to the energy through Reiju and they teach the spiritual and healing practices required for students to continue that opening through their own daily practice of Reiki and all people, of all backgrounds and skills are able to learn it. The practices are simple and easy to learn and easy to incorporate into your daily routine. All it takes is an open mind and a willingness to commit to daily practice.


Before diving into the intricacies of Reiki training, it's essential to explore the concept of certification. Unlike regulated professions with standardized requirements, Reiki certification is not formally recognized or regulated in Australia or any of the States of Territories. Each Reiki system and teacher sets their own criteria for certification, although the Reiki Associations in Australia (which comprise of volunteers rather than being State or Federally sanctioned) do have minimum training requirements of their members which Practitioners must meet in order to be accepted as a member. In the Reiki community, it is voluntary for members to apply. You can be a Reiki Practitioner and Teacher and not belong to any Association.

Accordingly, due to the lack of formal regulation of Reiki Practitioners in Australia, it's therefore crucial to research and select a reputable teacher and system that aligns with your values and aspirations and the standard of Practitioner you wish to be. I'll provide some additional links further below to help you navigate those aspects. For now, lets look at how to become a Reiki Practitioner in Australia and minimum requirements.


There are numerous levels of Reiki training offered within most systems of Reiki, each offering its own unique teachings and practices. The idea of each level is to teach different aspects of Reiki practice and techniques, for there to be a broadening of practices and knowledge as students progress up the levels as well as a deepening of both the student's spiritual and healing path all along the way. In order to practice Reiki professionally, whether in Australia or elsewhere, as a general rule, most systems of Reiki require students to complete Level II.

While the specifics may vary depending on the Reiki system, mnay systems have a similar course structure and for the purpose of this article, I will share with you the steps required from the system of Reiki I teach, Usui System of Natural Healing (Reiki) based on Komyo ReikiDo, a Japanese system of Reiki (you can read more about Komyo ReikiDo here):

Level I (Shoden): This foundational level I focuses on self-healing and introduces students to the basic concepts and techniques of Reiki. Certification at this level equips individuals to practice Reiki on themselves, family and friends and pets and plants. Self practice, self healing and spiritual growth as well as beginning to explore Reiki on others is the main focus of this level.

Level II (Chuden): Building upon Level I, Level II delves into advanced techniques such as distance healing and introduces sacred symbols that enhance the healing energy. Usually this level can be done 1 month after completing Level I. Whereas the focus in level I is on self-practice, students now begin to explore in more depth, practicing Reiki on others. Students deepen their understanding of Reiki's potential and prepare for offering professional services. It is recommended that students continue their self-practice and spiritual path and that they continue to explore the practices on family and friends for at least 6 months following completion of Level II before embarking on professional practice. Upon completion of 6 months post Level II training, students are able to become a Reiki Practitioner.

Level III (Okuden): At this spiritual level, students delve deeper into the spiritual aspects of Reiki, reflecting on their experiences and insights gained thus far. They may learn additional symbols and techniques, further honing their skills and deepening their practice. Okuden can be done 6 months after completing Level III.

Level IV (Shinpiden or Master/Teacher level): Level IV marks the transition to Teaching Reiki where upon completion, the Practitioner becomes a Reiki Shihan (or 'Master' in the West). As a side note, 'Master' was never a term used in the original Japanese system of Reiki, but was a word created in 'Western Reiki'. Students revise and reflect upon the teachings of previous levels, learning how to attune and teach Reiki to others. This level demands a significant commitment to study and apprenticeship under an experienced Reiki Shihan (or Master). Shinpiden is usually sat at least 1 year after completing Level III or at the Reiki Teacher's discretion.


Whilst there are minimum timelines in most systems of Reiki in Australia for becoming a Reiki Practitioner, it is important to consider other factors, when embarking on your journey. I always tell students to consider the timeline a minimum and to focus more on the depth of their own self-healing and spiritual practice and to build as much experience and wisdom as they possibly can before launching into practicing Reiki Professionally in Australia (or elsewhere for that matter). The depth and breadth of your relationship with Reiki is vital to being an effective and impactful Reiki Practitioner. Take your time to allow this.

There is a reason Level I focusses on self-healing and spiritual growth. It is absolutely vital and foundational to then practicing on others. The deeper your own healing and spiritual integration, the greater channel you will be. This can't be rushed, it takes time and dedication to yourself and your practices. I urge all my students to take that to heart in their own path. I dive a bit deeper into this in my article 'How long it takes to be Reiki Certified.'

Another thing to take into account is that some people (clients) who come for Reiki can be emotionally vulnerable and can bring that vulnerability into the session, sometimes serious life issues. As Practitioners, whilst we are not trained Therapists and need to take care not to encroach on a discipline we are not trained for (I will frequently refer clients on to mainstream therapies which I encourage in addition to Reiki), we need to have, at a minimum, the capacity to hold space for our clients and their complex emotions. This is very difficult to do if we haven't done our own healing. I believe mainstream Therapy is an incredible combination with Reiki. If we haven't really worked on and through our own unhealed trauma or issues, there is a danger of us feeling uncomfortable with clients' emotions, having our own unmet emotions or traumas triggered or projecting our 'stuff' onto our clients, if we haven't done deep and meaningful work on ourselves. This is part of our due diligence as Reiki Practitioners who will be receiving clients who may come to Reiki with various vulnerabilities.


While the desire for fast certification may be tempting, I really encourage aspiring Reiki practitioners to embrace patience and dedication. Rushing through the training process may compromise the depth of understanding and experience required to become effective healers. The question I tend to ask students is, 'what kind of Practitioner do you want to be?' Integrity and authenticity requires depth and breadth of experience, deep healing and a deep spiritual relationship with yourself. This is, in my view, a responsibility we owe both our clients and in my view, ourselves. My recommendation is to focus on cultivating a daily practice, nurturing your connection with Reiki, and allowing your journey to unfold organically.

There are certainly online and also in-person reiki course in Australia that might offer beginner to Master training in much shorter periods of time that outlines above (some over one single weekend) and I would urge caution over taking this route for your path with Reiki.

In my experience, those practitioners don't have great professional practices and their client's don't have very impactful experiences.

To delve deeper into the things to consider when embarking on a path of learning Reiki, with or without a view to practice it professionally, you may want to read more about 'How long it takes to be Reiki Certified', 'Whether online Reiki courses are legitimate' and 'How to find the best Reiki course near you'.

Final Thoughts

Becoming a certified Reiki Practitioner in Australia is an incredible and rewarding vocation and one that I am grateful for every single day of my life. In my own journey, it has been clear that the depth of my healing and spiritual practice has positively influenced the depth and success of my professional practice. My focus was on my own healing and spiritual path and I was in no rush to get to Professional practice. I allowed it to happen organically. In the meantime, in addition to my personal practice, I practiced Reiki on hundreds of friends and friends of friends and other connections to continue building my relationship with Reiki and developing my wisdom around its offering. It made such an extraordinary difference that I took my time. It really did pay off, both for me and for my clients.

By carefully selecting the right course for you, the right teacher and committing to ongoing self practice, embracing the principles of Reiki and integrating them into your own life, you will be placing yourself in a strong position to be the best Reiki Practitioner you can be. Equally, by taking your time to do your own healing, building your experience and wisdom around Reiki as a practice and deepening your spiritual path, you will enhance your capacity as a Reiki Channel and optimise your capacity to be of service to others.

I strongly encourage you to take the timelines as a minimum and take your time on this incredible journey with Reiki!

Wishing you all the best on your Reiki quest. Reiki has absolutely transformed my life for the better and with consistency and a daily commitment to practice, I have no doubt it will transform yours too! If you have any further questions, or want to chat to more about Reiki please contact me and we can arrange a time to chat. If you would like to book a Reiki session in Melbourne (or distance Reiki worldwide), you can book an appointment here or if you would like to learn Reiki yourself, sign up for a Reiki course here. I look forward to connecting with you for Reiki!


Fiona x

Fiona Phillips

Certified Reiki Shihan (Teacher) and Practitioner

Komyo ReikiDo in Melbourne

Within The Space

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