So you're looking to have some Reiki and let's say you live in Melbourne and you type in the words 'best reiki near me', 'authentic reiki Melbourne' or 'best reiki Melbourne', what are you to look out for amongst the hundreds of results, how can you know who practices authentic Reiki and which Practitioner is the best fit for you?
I've written in much more detail about it here, but here are some quick and easy tips to help you find the best Reiki Practitioner for you.
Tip #1 - They actually practice Reiki
I know this sound obvious but unfortunately, there are people out there who use the word 'Reiki' but aren't actually practicing Reiki (sometimes unknowingly even to themselves).
These Practitioners fall into two categories:
Practitioners who learnt Reiki solely online without receiving in person Reiju (an attunement process of energetic opening/transfer that can only occur 'in person' from Teacher to student). Ask the Practitioner if they learnt Reiki in person or online and opt for the former.
Practitioners who learnt from a system of 'so-called' Reiki where the lineage doesn't trace back to Mikao Usui (The founder of Reiki). Ask The Reiki Practitioner to see their Lineage (and make sure it traces back to Mikao Usui). If a Practitioner will not show you their lineage, its probably best to look elsewhere. You can read more about lineage here.
Tip #2 - Their Level of training
This is an easy one, only people who have completed Level II and above are permitted to practice Reiki professionally in most Reiki systems.
Some people ask me, is the higher their level of training better, like should I be looking to have Reiki with a Shihan / Master / Teacher?' This is not such an easy one to answer.
For me, more than being the highest level of training, I'm much more interested to know their commitment and depth of their daily spiritual practices (as these things definitely determine the intensity of the Reiki they Channel). I'd ask them questions about their daily practices and about their spiritual experience with Reiki to try and get a feel for that.
For example, some people can do Level I Reiki to Shihan/Master level over one weekend in some systems of Reiki whereas other may have taken over 8-10 years of dedicated practice before completing their Shihan/Master level. On first glance, both are supposedly the same level as each other (as both are 'Shihans/Masters') but the depth of their practical and spiritual experiences are likely to be very different.
For some people Reiki is a side gig and not their main work or not the centre of their daily practice. This doesn't necessarily mean they aren't good Reiki channels, but when someone has a dedicated self-practice and is practicing Reiki on clients all day every day, it may indicate more opportunity to have a deeper and more effective practice. This can be a tricky thing to know one way or another, but these things are all things that a relevant to finding a really good Reiki channel.
Unfortunately, with Reiki, it is energy work, it isn't necessarily about how long they've been practicing or how high up they are, it's much more about how deep their spiritual journey is and because of that , it is a much harder one to work out just through google, titles, positions, qualifications or length of practice. Having said that, it certainly worth asking a few questions of them to help try and get a sense of how committed and deep their spiritual and energetic practices are.
Tip #3 - Look at the review on their website and google
Practitioners should have, over time, a collection of enough reviews on google and/or their website which can at least give you a 'feel' for the type of Practitioner they are and the depth and effectiveness of their Practice as well as capacity to hold space for you in Reiki sessions. Have a read through reviews to get a better idea of who they are personally, professionally and about their Practice.
Tip #4 -Trust Your Instinct
The head can get caught up in labels, marketing hype, promises and qualifications which can distract us from the reality of what is best for us. Look up a few different Practitioners and their websites, I guarantee you are likely to be more drawn to one than others. It sounds simplistic but I genuinely believe it is a great guide. Quieten the mind and let the gut take the lead. Go with it, trust your instinct, the Practitioner you feel most drawn to is most likely the best fit for you.
Tip #5 - Want more tips on how to find the best Reiki near you?
I hope these tips offer at least a good starting point to help you find not only an authentic Reiki Practitioner who actually channels Reiki, but also the best Reiki Practitioner for you. If you want some more tips or a little more details about these tips as well as how they practice Reiki (in terms of hand positions, the issue of hovering, timing and so forth) you can read more here.
Tip #6 - Enjoy your Reiki
Once you've made your choice, it's simply time to lay down on the Reiki table, surrender and be open to exquisite power and wonder of receiving Reiki. Reiki is an incredibly loving, compassionate and effective tool for healing the mind, body and inner being...wishing you love and the highest healing on your journey with Reiki!
Fiona x
Fiona Phillips
Certified Reiki Shihan (Teacher) and Practitioner
Within The Space | Melbourne