"Reiki was the only thing that really worked for me".
"I experienced changes after just one session that I couldn't believe!"
These are just some of the comments I hear regularly with my clients regularly. For anyone who hears these types of comments from friends or someone they know who has had such an experience with Reiki, an expectation is created that they too will have a similar experience.
Yet, there are times when the results are always immediate and clients can feel disheartened, questioning whether Reiki is truly effective. I get it. As an experienced Reiki Practitioner with many years under my belt, even I've had these moments in my own healing journey, which I'll share a bit further down. Having utilised Reiki for myself daily for many years now and having facilitated hundreds of client sessions over the years, I can say with upmost confidence, that Reiki does its good work...every, single, time. The absence of immediate, tangible or obvious change doesn't equate to Reiki's failure. In fact, it may signify something far deeper at play.
Reiki, as an energy, transcends our conscious understanding, delving into unseen realms and working its subtle power on levels we may not readily perceive. It addresses imbalances, clears stagnation, and restores harmony within the energetic body, working on a physical (including miscroscopic and celleluar levels), mental, emotional and spiritual levels. Although these adjustments may not immediately result in noticeable changes, they pave the way for deeper healing and growth to unfold over time, similar to removing any contamination in soil before planting seeds or laying a foundation before building a house on top of it. While these initial steps may seem unremarkable to an observer (indeed are unobservable), they are crucial for the health, strength and longevity of what is grown or build above it. With the seed, once it is planted in the purified soil, at first, it may seem insignificant, but beneath the soil, a profound transformation is taking place. With care and patience, the seed grows roots and reaches towards the light. Similarly, Reiki's influence may gradually unfold within us, revealing its healing power as we continue to engage with it.
In Reiki sessions, Reiki addresses imbalances, clears toxins, and restores harmony within the energetic body. While these changes might not be immediately noticeable, they create the conditions for deeper healing and growth over time.
In my own journey with Reiki, I've witnessed its power firsthand. After experiencing significant healings and changes in the first couple of years of my daily self-Reiki practice, I reached a period of time where it seemed like nothing was happening for about a year. Despite the doubts creeping in, my Reiki Master encouraged me to keep going, assuring me that Reiki was still at work, even if I couldn't see it.
Then, one day, everything changed. It was like a switch flipped regarding my relationship with alcohol. Suddenly, I no longer felt the need for it in social settings where I used to rely on it for energy and confidence. It wasn't a struggle or a conscious decision to stop; I simply didn't desire it anymore. This shift was remarkable, especially considering my long-standing reputation as the 'Martini Girl.'
Reflecting on this experience, I realized that Reiki had been quietly working behind the scenes. It not only healed me physically, but it also strengthened my inner connection, leading me to a place of genuine joy and confidence without needing alcohol as a crutch. The changes were subtle and gradual, but they became apparent once I reached a point of no longer needing or even desiring alcohol.
This journey underscored the mysterious yet profound nature of Reiki's healing power. It taught me the importance of persistence, trust, and patience in the healing process. While the path may sometimes seem uncertain at time, Reiki's is always hard at work, guiding us towards healing and transformation.
And what I've come to know, through my own personal experience with Reiki as well as that of my clients, is that it's important to remember that healing is not always linear or immediate. Just as physical wounds require time to mend, emotional and spiritual healing demand patience and perseverance. Yes, sometimes the healing can be dramatic and immediately noticeable, but equally it can be subtle and take time.
Something else to consider, and a situation which I've witnessed time and time again in my practice is that sometimes there are in fact real shifts and changes, but not all clients necessarily notice them or attribute them to Reiki. For instance, one of my client's came to Reiki seeking relief from fatigue and a desire to feel better within herself. But Reiki has a Higher Intelligence of its own and it addresses what it deems most important and needed, which may not necessarily align with what we think we need when seeking out Reiki.
In this case, after three Reiki sessions, the client surprised herself by purchasing a ticket to attend a concert alone—something, in her 60 plus years of life she had never done but apparently always wished she had confidence to do. She felt too self-conscious. For her whole life she suffered from low self-esteem and this limited what she was able to do in her life. What was interesting however, is that she told me the story of her buying the ticket with such pride, chuffed that she finally did that for herself, remaking to me that she had NEVER done that before, and yet when I asked her just moments before whether she had noticed any shifts or changes in herself since the Reiki sessions, she said no.
It's a common observation I've made. Many people find themselves doing things they never imagined before, perhaps stepping into new ventures or expressing themselves in ways they hadn't before. Despite these significant shifts occurring shortly after their Reiki sessions, they often don't realize that Reiki played a role, or even recognize that these changes were out of character initially. Interestingly, sometimes it's their loved ones who notice these transformations first and report them back to me, while my clients remain unaware of the changes within themselves.
All of this bring us back to the reality that the apparent absence of immediate results does not diminish Reiki's efficacy. This, I am certain of. Rather, it underscores the depth and complexity of its healing potential. Like a master craftsman laying the groundwork for a masterpiece or a seed silently germinating beneath the soil, Reiki works in mysterious ways, fostering growth and transformation on levels both seen and unseen. Trust in the process, embrace the journey, and allow Reiki's gentle energy to guide you towards healing and wholeness.
If you are interested in having Reiki and wish to discuss your situation further, please contact me and we can arrange a time to chat. Otherwise, if you are ready to start your Reiki journey, you can book an appointment here. I look forward to connecting with you for Reiki!
Fiona x
Fiona Phillips
Certified Reiki Shihan (Teacher) and Practitioner
Within The Space | Japanese Reiki Melbourne (Komyo ReikiDo)