Amidst a plethora of Reiki systems that exist today, you might wonder: which form of Reiki holds the most powerful healing energy? First thing's first, Reiki is Reiki, it is all the same level of energy. But the power and effectiveness of how it is channeled is another story. Unfortunately there is no clear answer because at the end of the day it really comes down to the individual and how deeply they've integrated their spiritual connection and understanding but in this article we look at some external parameters which might influence that. Let's delve into the intricacies of Reiki to determine the answer to this very important question of which Reiki is more powerful.
Ensuring Authenticity: The Foundation of Genuine Reiki
Before embarking on the search for the most powerful Reiki, authenticity is paramount.
Genuine Reiki must trace its lineage back to Mikao Usui, the Founder. Moreover, it should be transmitted through in-person teachings (as opposed to online). In-person Reiju (or Attunements) which are the passing down of Reiki from Teacher to student are the cornerstone to Reiki practice, and cannot be replaced by distance or remote Reiju. You can read more about that here.
Unveiling the Power Within: Practices and Spiritual Growth
The power of Reiki (and a Reiki channel's capacity to channel it effectively) lies in the spiritual growth they foster. A practitioner's depth of spiritual being directly correlates with their ability to channel potent healing energy. Therefore, it's crucial to select a system that encourages profound spiritual development.
Divergence in Paths: Western vs. Japanese Reiki
Reiki branches into Western and Japanese paths. Japanese Reiki refers to Reiki systems passed down by Usui's last Shihan (Teacher) student, Chujiro Hayashi, to native Japanese practitioners. Conversely, Western Reiki refers to the system taught by Hayashi to his Western student, Hawayo Takata. They were essentially the same systems taught, with some minor modifications.
However, while Western Reiki, popularized by Hawayo Takata, achieved widespread adoption, it underwent modifications over time, particularly the spiritual practices that were considered the foundational base for hands-on healing.
This divergence occurred as Takata, for various reasons during and after World War II, removed some of these essential practices. Further changes and dilution of some practices occurred by her Master students over time. The impact of the loss of these foundational spiritual practices is that a Practitioner isn't afforded the essential tools needed to deepen their spiritual path and this can directly impact their capacity as a channel.
I see this impact often. It is not uncommon for Practitioners in Western Reiki reach out to me, seeking to go deeper in their practice, feeling like they've hit a wall. They yearn for deeper spiritual growth but also to enhance the intensity of their hands-on practice.
Interestingly, whilst many students of the Western Reiki systems were unaware of the departure from the original teachings (and the lost foundational spiritual practices), other practitioners felt intuitively prompted to add new and other modern practices over time, such as additional rituals and crystals, presumably in an attempt to enhance their healing abilities and deepen their practice.
However, while these additions may be well-intentioned, it is questionable whether they are able to replace the Enlightened wisdom of the original teachings of Usui, which formed a comprehensive and complete system of spiritual and healing practices. Each practice was designed to work cohesively with the others in order to afford the student with the greatest opportunity for depth of spiritual growth. In other words, he designed a complete set of practices.
Japanese Reiki Systems: Embracing Tradition
In contrast to Western Reiki, Japanese Reiki is often touted to be the more powerful Reiki as it is claimed to remain true to the teachings of Mikao Usui, offering a purer form of the practice. However, even with Japanese Reiki, there are compromises to the integrity of the original system.
Whilst Japanese Reiki systems have largely remained faithful to the teachings of Mikao Usui, some systems, like Jikiden Reiki, have collaborated with Western Reiki, potentially diluting its traditional teachings. Similarly, Gendai Reiki is known as a hybrid system of Reiki (despite often being miscategorised as a Japanese system), as it uses the Western symbols and incorporates many additional Western rituals and practices, which can detract from the purity of Usui's original teachings (see below, 'Simplicity The Key to Power').
On the other hand, Japanese Reiki systems like Komyo ReikiDo, genuinely adhere as close as possible to the tradition of Reiki practice, retaining the integrity of the original practice and untainted by unnecessary complexities. And whilst I'd love to tell you that it's as easy as choosing as Komyo ReikiDo for the most powerful Reiki, truth is that whilst it may be a good start, this alone doesn't necessarily mean it is the more powerful Reiki as it still and always will come down to the individual Reiki Practitioner, as discussed further below.
Simplicity: The Key to Power
Simplicity is central to powerful Reiki. Mikao Usui advocated for simplicity in teachings to facilitate spiritual growth, as seen on his headstone, where he advocated for Reiki to be as easy and common as possible.
Why is simplicity so important? Simplicity allows practitioners to delve deeper into their spiritual experience, akin to finding stillness in a tranquil, serene setting. Conversely, complexity can detract from the depth of spiritual practice, likened to keeping ourselves busy with numerous tasks and distractions, preventing us from finding stillness and inner connection. It's like constantly running around in a frenzy, avoiding the quiet moments where we can truly connect with ourselves and our inner experiences.
For this reason, when a system of Reiki has many additional practices and modalities and rituals, it detracts from the opportunity to go deeper into one's spiritual practice, to find that inner connection and do the deep, necessary spiritual work. As we know the deeper a person's spiritual practice, the more powerful the Reiki is, so systems like Komyo ReikiDo, which emphasise this simplicity of the traditional practice, offer students greater opportunity to be powerful and effective Reiki channels. Whilst such a system doesn't guarantee a more powerful channeling of Reiki, it does provide the ideal circumstances at least, for channeling powerful Reiki.
At the end of the day however, there is no getting around the reality that it comes down to the individual Reiki practitioner when asking the question which Reiki is more powerful, for it is determined by the commitment they have to their practice and the spiritual depths they are able to reach. And here's the spanner in the works, I've personally experienced Practitioners from different Reiki systems who are incredible channels of Reiki and I've experienced Reiki channels who practice systems like KomyoReikiDo and aren't as efficient. I know it's not the answer you may have wanted because there is no hard and fast rule, and that's the reality of it.
In Summary
In the pursuit of powerful Reiki, authenticity, simplicity, and tradition are paramount. Authentic lineage and in-person Reiji/Attunements retain the integrity of Reiki teachings. Simplicity fosters profound spiritual growth, while adherence to tradition preserves the essence of Reiki's healing energy. Ultimately then, the true power of Reiki emanates from the depth of spiritual practice and the purity of intention of the individual.
If you are looking for a Practitioner with the question of which Reiki is more powerful, whilst everything written here can help somewhat, assessing the quality of a practitioner's daily practice and the depth of their spiritual connection can be difficult. Inquiring into their daily routines and their insights and understanding of Reiki, along with how it has influenced their spiritual journey, can provide valuable insight. However, truly gauging the depth of their practice and comprehension may necessitate additional investigation and observation.
If you are on your own path of learning and practicing Reiki yourself (or considering it), just remember, the deeper your spiritual practice, the greater Reiki channel you will be. At the end of the day, no one system of Reiki can promise anything in that respect (although systems like Komyo ReikiDo and ones that teach all the practices can provide at least the best foundation to support your journey). After that, if you commit to a substantial and dedicated daily practice, you'll give yourself the best opportunity grow on your spiritual path, and integrate your spiritual connection and understanding into your way of being. This will directly impact the intensity, the power and the effectiveness of the Reiki you channel. It is a daily practice for life. The journey never ends and there is no destination to reach. We continue on our path each day, for that's all we truly have. Just for today...
If you have any more questions on which Reiki is more powerful or are interested in receiving or learning Reiki and wish to discuss your situation further, please contact me and we can arrange a time to chat. Otherwise, if you are ready to start your Reiki journey, you can book an appointment here or join the waitlist for classes here. I look forward to connecting with you for Reiki!
Fiona x
Fiona Phillips
Certified Reiki Shihan (Teacher) and Practitioner
Within The Space | Melbourne