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Specialising in non-Westernized Traditional Japanese Spiritual & Healing Reiki Practices

(Level 1,2 3 Reiki Courses to Shinpiden (Shihan/Master) Training)

For Personal or Professional Practice

Reiki Courses Melbourne - Tradtional Japanese Usui Reiki - Komyo ReikiDo

REIKI LEVEL 1- Beginners Reiki Course
Usui System of Natural Healing (Reiki) based on Komyo ReikiDo (Japanese Reiki)
初伝 | SHODEN | Level I

PRE-REQUISITES | No pre-requisites, prior learning/skills required.
Post-class practice is a requirement to advance to the next level.


Welcome to the Shoden level which translates to "beginners level." 


This level serves as the foundation of your Reiki journey, equipping you with essential practices for self-healing, spiritual connection, and growth. The primary focus at this level is on self-healing, where you'll be introduced to techniques for your essential self-care; designed to enhance your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, promoting greater inner peace and balance.  Additionally, it prepares you to facilitate Reiki for your family, friends, pets and even plants!  

In Shoden, these core Reiki practices can easily be incorporated into your daily routine. These foundational practices remain core essentials to your Reiki practice even when you progress to higher levels.


  • Small class size to allow for a more intimate and in-depth experience (limited to 5 places).

  • Gain an accurate understanding of the history of Reiki Ryoho.

  • Learn the founder's principles/precepts for healing of the mind and body.

  • Engage in foundational & Traditional Reiki spiritual practices and meditations.

  • Master the art of channeling Reiki energy.

  • Learn and practice various Reiki techniques.

  • Apply Reiki for both yourself and others.

  • Receive four Reiju attunements, spread over the two-day period, to connect you to Reiki energy.

  • Abundant time for questions and practice, allowing you to feel confident about what your daily Reiki practice routine will entail and experiencing practicing Reiki on others.

  • Manuals are provided to all students at the commencement of the course and are yours to keep upon the successful completion of the program.

  • Receive a Certificate of Completion of Level I of Usui System of Natural Healing (Reiki) based on Komyo ReikiDo (Japanese Reiki).

  • ***For students/Practitioners of Usui Reiki Shiki Ryoho, this course will introduce you to the lost spiritual practices taught by Takata Sensei. These practices are easily transferable into your existing Reiki system.

  • Receive ongoing support and mentorship post-course.

Upon completing the first day of training, you'll be ready to practice self-healing Reiki immediately and extend your practice on others. 


By successfully finishing this level, you'll receive an invitation to join face-to-face and online Reiki Shares where a community of like-minded fellow-Reiki students/Practitioners gather to discuss and practice Reiki together.  Participants receive Reiju at each in-person Gathering to help continue and deepen their connection with Reiki (just as Mikao Usui offered his students at his weekly gatherings with students).

Whether you are starting a new journey towards healing or seeking to deepen your existing Reiki practice, Within The Space provides a supportive and welcoming environment to explore the profound healing and transformative power of Reiki.

Embark on this enriching path and discover the endless potential that Reiki offers in your life.

Reiki Courses Melbourne - Tradtional Japanese Usui Reiki - Komyo ReikiDo

REIKI LEVEL 2 - Intermediate Reiki Course
Usui System of Natural Healing (Reiki) based on Komyo ReikiDo (Japanese Reiki)
中伝 | CHUDEN | Level II

PRE-REQUISITES | Shoden and a minimum of one month must pass after completing Shoden.


Elevate and fortify your Reiki practice by delving into Traditional Sacred Reiki Symbols and techniques, broadening and strengthening your Reiki Practice through Chuden level. Here, you will deepen your healing and spiritual journey and expand your practice to include Distance Reiki, enabling you to offer Reiki to others remotely.

The primary focus of this level centers on Reiki applications on others, including various healing techniques and Distance Reiki. For those interested in practicing Reiki professionally, basic information is provided about Professional Practice such as the necessary practice requirements and ethical considerations, aligning with the National Code of Conduct.


  • Small class size to allow for a more intimate and in-depth experience (limited to 5 places).


  • Review, reflect and discuss Shoden Level I concepts to reinforce your foundational understanding.

  • In-depth exploration of three Sacred symbols, learning their significance, and understanding their precise usage.

  • Learn additional Traditional Reiki techniques, such as Distant Healing, Detoxification Method, Habit Treatment Method, and Zenshin Kekko.

  • Abundant time for questions and practice, allowing you to refine your skills in utilizing symbols, techniques, and experiencing practicing Reiki on others.

  • Receive four Reiju attunements spread over the two-day course, intensifying and sustaining your connection to Reiki energy.

  • Gain valuable insights into the basics of Professional Reiki Practice.

  • Manuals are provided to all students at the commencement of the course and are yours to keep upon the successful completion of the program.


  • Receive a Certificate of Completion of Level II of System of Natural Healing (Reiki) based on Komyo ReikiDo (Japanese Reiki). Lineage is  recognized by Reiki Australia & Australian Reiki Connection.​

  • Receive ongoing support and mentorship post-course.

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Upon completing this level, you will achieve proficiency in practicing Reiki professionally and providing Reiki treatments to the public, if you choose to do so. It is highly recommended you wait six months from Chuden level completion before offering Reiki treatments to the public. Detailed guidance on basic business and legal requirements will be provided after the course, should you decide to pursue a professional practice.

You are invited to take the next step in your Reiki journey with Chuden level which offers a transformative and enriching experience, amplifying your Reiki journey with limitless potential for your personal and professional growth, expanding your capacity to channel healing energy for yourself and others.

Reiki Courses Melbourne - Tradtional Japanese Usui Reiki - Komyo ReikiDo

 REIKI LEVEL 3 - Advanced Reiki Course
Usui System of Natural Healing (Reiki) based on Komyo ReikiDo (Japanese Reiki)
奥伝 OKUDEN | Level III

PRE-REQUISITES | Chuden and a minimum of six months must pass after completing Chuden.


Welcome to the Okuden level, the Spiritual level of Reiki.  By this point, you will have immersed yourself in the practice of Reiki for at least 7 months, gaining valuable insights and personal experiences with this profound healing art.  Now it's time to venture deeper into the spiritual essence of Reiki, where you will find a wealth of spiritual knowledge and potential for personal transformation.

The Okuden level is dedicated to enriching your spiritual understanding and experience of Reiki, providing profound insights that can lead to significant personal growth and transformation. This level serves as a gateway to a deeper connection with the spiritual aspects of Reiki, opening doors to profound healing potential and spiritual expansion.



Small class size to allow for a more intimate and in-depth experience with abundant time for deep discussion, questions and sharing as is often needed for this level (limited to 5 places).


Review of Chuden: Solidify and build upon the foundational knowledge and skills acquired in the Chuden level, preparing you for the profound spiritual exploration that lies ahead.

Learn the 4th symbol: Delve into the potent "Master Symbol" (the name used for it in Western Reiki systems), understanding its significance and unlocking its transformative potential.

Amplifying Reiki energy: Through dedicated spiritual practices, you will learn to elevate and expand your Reiki energy, enriching your healing abilities and deepening your connection to the vital life-force Energy.

Cultivating spiritual awareness: Explore the spiritual philosophies and concepts inherent in Reiki practice, opening the gateway to deeper insights and personal growth.


Attunements: Receive two Reiju attunements, further deepening and expanding your connection to the Reiki energy, and paving the way for potential profound spiritual connections post-course.


Manuals are provided to all students at the commencement of the course and are yours to keep upon the successful completion of the program.

Receive a Certificate of Completion of Level III of Usui System of Natural Healing (Reiki) based on Komyo ReikiDo (Japanese Reiki).

Ongoing Support:  You will continue to receive ongoing support and mentoring post-course.

Upon completing this level, you will have the opportunity to:


  • Gain deeper insights into your Reiki experiences, paving the way for potential profound spiritual connections in your practice.

  • Embrace the transformative spiritual concepts embedded within Reiki, enriching both your Reiki journey and your daily life.


  • Enhance your healing and personal growth, as you infuse spiritual depth into your Reiki practice.


  • Be well-equipped to prepare for a path to share the wisdom and teachings of Komyo ReikiDo with others, should you choose to become a Reiki Teacher in the future.


The Okuden level offers an exceptional opportunity for spiritual exploration and growth. As you delve into these deeper understandings, you may find yourself forging profound spiritual connections in your Reiki practice. Embrace this sacred journey and let the essence of Reiki guide you towards greater self-discovery and transformative healing potential.​

Reiki Courses Melbourne - Tradtional Japanese Usui Reiki - Komyo ReikiDo

REIKI LEVEL 4 - Teaching Reiki Course
Usui System of Natural Healing (Reiki) based on Komyo ReikiDo (Japanese Reiki)
神秘伝 SHINPIDEN | Level IV

PRE-REQUISITES | A minimum of 12 months after completion of Okuden plus interview & assessment (oral or written).


Welcome to the start of your lifelong journey of learning, growth and spiritual path with Reiki Ryoho. At the Shinpiden level, you will embark on a profound journey of consolidation and reflection, integrating the teachings from all previous levels with your own unique experiences, insights, and reflections. This process will foster a deeper understanding of the materials that will empower you to teach with clarity and cater to diverse student questions and learning styles.

A thorough grasp of the manuals is paramount to ensure you are equipped with the comprehensive knowledge necessary to explain the teachings, methods, and concepts Ensuring you understand the manual beyond the written words is part of the focus of the guidance and teaching in Shipiden so that you feel prepared and confident to share the teachings from a place of authentic wisdom.

In order to ascertain the level of Shihan/Teacher, you will be required to take the Shinpiden level twice.  Upon the first undertaking of Shinpiden Level, you will ascertain the role of Shihan Candidate, allowing you time to reflect and integrate the teachings of Shinpiden before resitting it again. 


Resitting Shinpiden allows you to deepen your understanding and practical experience and upon successful completion, you will attain the status of a Shihan (Teacher), empowered to share the transformative teachings Usui System of Natural Healing (Reiki) based on Komyo ReikiDo (Japanese Reiki).


  • Smaller class size to allow for a more intimate and in-depth experience tailored to the unique needs of each student as required for this level (limited to 2 places).


  • Encouragement of individuality with a strong emphasis on preserving the integrity of the teachings of Usui System of Natural Healing (Reiki) based on Komyo ReikiDo (Japanese Reiki).

  • Comprehensive review and reflection of all previous levels, cultivating a unified understanding of the Reiki principles and this system.

  • In-depth exploration of the history of Reiki and the rich Japanese culture that influences its practice.

  • Deepening your personal practice, enhancing your connection with Reiki energy.

  • Mastering the art of conducting Reiju, an essential aspect of empowering students with Reiki energy.

  • First sitting of Shinpiden Training spanning three immersive days, setting the foundation for your instructional journey.

  • Re-sitting Shinpiden to complete the training, reinforcing your knowledge and practical expertise (online re-sit may be available on request for those unable to attend in person).

  • Manuals are provided to all students at the commencement of the course and are yours to keep upon the successful completion of the program.

  • Certificates will be issued after all criteria have been satisfactorily completed. 

  • Ongoing support and mentoring to nurture your growth as a dedicated Reiki Teacher.

At the Shinpiden level, we honour the significance of embodying the teachings before passing them on to others. Your dedication to deep reflection and understanding will enable you to walk the path of an empowered and compassionate Reiki Teacher, preserving the profound teachings of this system of Reiki with authenticity and integrity.

Course Guidelines and Policies

The timelines, requirements, prices and guidelines for each course level are subject to periodic updates at the teacher’s discretion. Any changes will be made with careful consideration to ensure the best outcomes for students. Teacher discretion also applies to all stated requirements, allowing for flexibility based on individual circumstances or the specific needs of the course.


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©2020 by Within The Space.

Indigenous Acknowlegment - Within The Space Reiki Melbourne - Komyo Reiki Do - Traditional Japanese Reiki Therapy Melbourne
LGBTI friendly Reiki organisation - Within The Space - Traditional Japanese Usui Reiki Therapy Melbourne

Within The Space acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities as the traditional custodians of the land we work on, and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.

As an inclusive organisation we celebrate people of all backgrounds, genders, sexualities, cultures, bodies and abilities.

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